
A tour of a psychedelic South Philly row home

Anna Ladd is one of those people who knows everybody. Or rather, everybody knows her. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a “You know Anna, too??” moment. My friend Ann introduced me to Anna a few years ago (thanks Ann!), and I’ve loved following her journey ever since.

And you’ll soon learn why. She’s a photographer, artist, overall creative, and has an illustrious podcasting career. In 2018, she won Gimlet’s podcast competition, Casting Call. Her podcast was titled “An Exciting Business Opportunity” and explored the seedy world of MLMs. So yes – she’s an all around cool cool girl.

And to expand her artistic endeavors even more, Anna recently launched her new company, Busy Body, which offers “murals and interior design for Philadelphians who love color, eroding their property value, and confusing their parents”.

So where does such a creative, innovative person dwell? Well, it’s only fitting that someone who’s colorful both inside and out would have a colorful home as well. Today Anna takes us inside her psychedelic South Philly home, and learn why people are knocking at her door for her to design their homes.

Welcome to the blog Anna, so happy to have you here! To begin, how would you describe your design style? What are the recurring themes or elements that people can expect to see in your work?

I think the kids on TikTok are calling it “blob chic” these days which feels pretty accurate. I am a tried & true maximalist and love bold colors, organic shapes, and an absurd amount of knick knacks. I also really love things that feel sort of futuristic and retro at the same time – like, taking the Lover set from the Eras Tour and plopping it in a 100 year old row home, and letting elements from both work together.

What inspired you to launch your new company, Busy Body? Your South Philly home is already a vibrant display of your energy. Was there a specific moment or experience that made you want to launch your own business?

It didn’t occur to me until people started asking for it. I designed my home so specifically to my taste, and thought that people might think it’s cool, but not actually want their own house to look like that. Because it is A Lot. But then people started asking! So I did some trial murals for friends to see if I liked doing it for other people, and got really excited about the prospect of doing that even more. 

Trust me Anna, when I say if I didn’t live in a rented apartment, I would hire you immediately, I would. So, from photography to podcasting, to now mural painting, you have a multitude of talents. Is there something about painting and home design that is especially exciting for you? 

Making something physical! When I was in school for photography, I was always really drawn to working in the darkroom, alternative processes, installations, anything where my hands could actually touch what I was making. I work in media and while it’s creative, I’ve missed being able to physically Make Something. Home design has really scratched that itch for me.

There’s something kind of magical about waking up in the mood to paint a wall hot pink, and then just doing it because you can, and getting to see it every day. Or using cabinets you hung up yourself. The art part of my brain loves to have an idea and see it through, and there’s a seemingly endless supply of opportunities to do that in a house.

Which of your home decor items is your favorite?

My entry table was put out on the street for trash by a delightful old South Philly woman. We talked while I was waiting for the Uber to come pick it up, and I desperately wanted to see the rest of her house, but didn’t ask because that would’ve been weird. Then the driver got really mad because he did not want to transport this table. 100% worth whatever getting this home did to my Uber rating.

What’s something you wish more people did with their home decor? 

This may seem counterintuitive, but I really love the Marie Kondo “sparks joy” approach. I think a lot of people associate her with minimalism. But a lot of things spark joy for me, and being surrounded by all those things sparks joy for me.

I don’t expect everyone to want to be a little Goodwill gremlin who paints blobs on everything, but I think more people should Give Stuff A Chance! Let Form win over Function sometimes! It’s fun!

To follow Anna and see more of her interior design journey, you can follow her on Instagram here, and you can visit the Busy Body website here.

Thanks so much for stopping by Anna, and I will be stopping by your home soon! 😊

All photography by Anna Ladd

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